Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Our next project is the Relief Tile project.  You will be carving a perspective landscape into a thick slab of clay to create the illusion of three-dimensional space.

For homework, you need to find 2 examples of perspective landscapes that you could choose from to create your tile.

Look in a book, magazine, online, postcard, etc. for ideas!  Bring in HARD COPIES of all images (not on your ipod or cell phone please--you can't trace off of those screens, which is what we will be doing in class)

The images should be the size you want your actual tile to be, as we will be tracing it directly onto the clay.

Images are due Friday, October 12th in class (or early for extra credit)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

In preparation for the Cylinder Project, please find and bring in an example of a cylindrical project (from a magazine, online or an actual object) for Friday, September 21st.  

Preferably it should be clay, but if it is not and you are inspired by the shape or design that is ok.  

You should also be able to explain why you chose this example--are you drawn to the shape, size, surface design, etc...

Monday, September 10, 2012


These small sculptures should show your ability to create an even, well-formed pinch pot, then slip and score details on the surface.

Choose an animal that represents you for specific reasons, or one that supplements your personality--has qualities you wish you had.

Create a body form using the pinching method, 1/4" walls with no cracks.  The final sculpture should be smooth, compact, well-constructed, fit in your hand, and tell us something about you!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Mrs. Patterson * Advanced Ceramics

Each of you has now been introduced to the basics of ceramics.  In this class, you will have the opportunity to deepen your understanding of each technique, as well as develop a personal style with the medium.  I encourage you to take risks and push yourself to the limits of your creativity!

In this class, we will develop our basic skills further through both handbuilt and wheel-thrown forms.  We will focus on surface decoration as well as craftsmanship, as we get more and more familiar with each new technique. In addition to the class work, students will have bi-weekly assignments reinforcing the techniques we are studying, such as printing out images for a project idea, or sketching forms out before beginning a project.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

For this class you will need:                                                                                        
a shoebox to store clay and projects in (I have some used ones, or you can get your own)
three plastic bags to wrap clay in--small trash bags and gallon-sized Ziploc bags work well
soap, hand lotion, tissues or sponges to contribute to the classroom

Your projects will be graded by the execution of the technique studied, the glaze or finish, and your written feedback on the grading sheet.  You are responsible for any assignments written on the board, so check it daily!  Your overall grade will be a combination of your projects, outside assignments, and effort.

Keeping this room clean is a matter of safety.  Each artist is responsible for their own workspace as well as a weekly studio job, which will help with the general maintenance of the studio space.  Completion of your cleanup jobs will factor into your effort grade.

*You will show up on time and remain in class until the bell rings.  If you need to leave, tell me.  Lining up at the door before the bell shows me that you have extra time to do more cleaning!
*You will work on projects throughout the class, and clean up well every day. Your effort grade is heavily based upon everyday work habits, so make them good.  No non-enrolled students are allowed in the room during class time.

*No food or drink in the room.  It is unhealthy to eat in this room due to the nature of the materials we use, and this also avoids messes in the workspace.

*No Ipods or cell phones during class.  This is a school rule as well as my own rule—these devices are distracting and antisocial, making it difficult for me to teach and for you to learn.

*Respect the kilns!  They are almost always running, and they get very hot.  Please be careful when bringing work into the kiln room.

*Respect each other.  Remember the Golden Rule?  Your language and attitude create the atmosphere in our classroom, and make it a comfortable place to be.  If you can speak in a respectful way and manage your time well while you are in this class, you will do well this semester.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Your final for this class will be a personal reflection. Please 

write an approximately one-page personal assessment of your

 Ceramics career; be sure to include the following:

*What technique do you feel you have improved the most on in your two semesters as a ceramicist?

*What projects have you found to be the most challenging?

*What are some of the “lessons” you have learned as you have taken both Beginning and Advanced Ceramics?

*Which of your projects are you most proud of and why?

*Define a theme for your work in Ceramics. What has your focus been on, mostly? Surface decoration? Handbuilding techniques? Wheel work?
And within that specific area, how could the viewer tell that each of your  pieces is “yours”?

This reflection is due Friday, May 18th

5 extra points if passed in before due date!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Homework Assignment: Please answer the following questions in your journal in preparation for a class critique on our Multimedia Masks, which we will have on Monday March 12th.

1. Describe what point you are at in your mask-making process, and what still needs to be done.

2. What aspects of your mask represent your personality?

3. What multimedia materials are you using in your mask, and how did you choose them?

4. What aspect of your mask would you like feedback from the group on? Pose a question that will help you on future projects, maybe something you are unsure of or can't make a decision about.
Bodacious Bowls!

This project focuses on honing our wheel skills, and new surface design techniques.

Objectives: Create a bowl form on the wheel using porcelain or stoneware that has even walls and a well-carved foot.
Glaze your bowl creatively, using dripping, spraying, layering, blending, wax resist, sgraffito, etc.

Essential Questions: What new surface design techniques can you apply to your bowl project to enhance the aesthetic value?
What happens between the planning and the doing? How do we embrace mistakes and challenges and turn them into successes?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Ceramic Cylinders

This project is designed to help students control forms on the wheel. The goals are to make your cylinders have even wall thickness throughout, an even top edge, and straight walls.

Each student will make 4 cylinders. One you will cut in half in front of the class, one you will save and create an interesting surface design on it, and the other two you will put into the pug mill. We are also learning detachment with this project--not to get too attached to your projects, as sometimes it is best to recycle something and try again if it did not come out as good as you know it could have!

Use these examples to get ideas for your cylinder that you will save...piercing, wax resist, sgraffito, overglaze experimentation, lids....all great ideas for making your cylinder spectacular!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Your final for this class will be a personal reflection. Please write an approximately one-page personal assessment of your Ceramics career; be sure to include the following:

*What technique do you feel you have improved the most on in your two semesters as a ceramicist?

*What projects have you found to be the most challenging?*What are some of the “lessons” you have learned as you have taken both Beginning and Advanced Ceramics?

*Which of your projects are you most proud of?

*Define a theme for your work in Ceramics. What has your focus been on, mostly? Surface decoration? Handbuilding techniques? Wheel work?
And within that specific area, how could the viewer tell that each of your pieces is “yours”?

This reflection is due Friday, January 13th

5 extra points if passed in before due date!